Thursday, May 10, 2007

First post

So I decided to start a WoW blog...I spend enough time reading them at work, so I figured I'd spend some of that time writing them - mostly because I think I can do it better. In the time I've spent so far reading, I've seen two types of blogs most often...the ones where the poster is way too into the game or the ones where the poster is still levelling and thinks that people care about the latest blue-quality item he got from one of the lowbie instances. There aren't too many quality blogs out there that have anything useful or interesting to say about elements of the end-game.

Well, I've said elsewhere, in-game I'm a 70 tauren shaman. I'm resto specced at the moment for raiding and arenas, but I'm enhancement at heart. Despite the fact that Blizzard insists on ignoring shaman concerns and has for some time, I have not and will not give up on the spec. But for the time being...I'll be a healer. (Posts about my experiences learning to play this role will come later.) I don't mind it too much; I'm in a good guild where the atmosphere and general attitude of the people around me make healing fun to do in raids. Arisen is currently working on getting Karazhan to farm status - we've already killed Prince. Actually, the guild first prince kill was actually the first kara run I had ever been to, and I was very impressed by the performance of the rest of the raid as well as the quality of the raid leadership. I was nervous about making what is arguably the last boss in Kara the first Kara fight I had ever participated in, but we all manned up and got it done. :)

This week we already cleared through Curator. Unfortunately, not enough people were on last night to raid, so hopefully tonight we'll be able to clear the chess event and shade. Maybe we'll down Prince again as well.

We'll see.

Oh, and I will not move during flame wreathe.

More to come.

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